The Chinese are not known for their motorcycles. This 1950’s looking bike is actually a mid-1980’s. It is a memento of an aborted plan to ride Chinese motorcycles across China. These bikes are very rare - not because everyone wants one but because no one wants one, not even the Chinese. This is one of the last Xingfu "classics" before the factory switched to making Japanese looking motorcycles. It is the only one of its kind in the U.S. The factory assured me that no one has ever wanted to import one.
The Chinese are not known for their motorcycles. 中国的摩托车并不出名。This 1950’s looking bike is actually a mid-1980’s.这两看似50年代的车其实是80年代中期的 It is a memento of an aborted plan to ride Chinese motorcycles across China. 在i记忆中用这辆不成熟的中国车穿越中国会失败。These bikes are very rare - not because everyone wants one but because no one wants one, not even the Chinese. 这种车不多是不是因为这个车的稀有而是没人要,包括中国人。。。。。This is one of the last Xingfu "classics" before the factory switched to making Japanese looking motorcycles.这个车是工厂上马日本车前最后的车型---幸福经典款。 It is the only one of its kind in the U.S. The factory assured me that no one has ever wanted to import one.这……BIBIBABALALBIAIBA……车没人要。。。。