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发表于 2008-5-22 18:23:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
无线电是指在自由空间(包括空气真空)传播的电磁波,是其中的一个有限频带,上限频率 在300GHz(吉赫兹),下限频率较不统一, 在各种射频规范书, 常见的有三 3KHz~300GHz(ITU-国际电信联盟规定), 9KHz~300GHz, 10KHz~300GHz。

无线电技术的原理在于,导体中电流强弱的改变会产生无线电波。利用这一现象,通过调制可将信息加载于无线电波之上。当电波通过空间传播到达收信端,电波引起的电磁场变化又会在导体中产生电流。 通过解调将信息从电流变化中提取出来,就达到了信息传递的目的。


海因里希·鲁道夫·赫兹(Heinrich Rudolf Hertz)在1886年至1888年间首先通过试验验证了麦克斯韦尔的理论。他证明了无线电辐射具有波的所有特性,并发现电磁场方程可以用偏微分方程表达,通常称为波动方程

1906年圣诞前夜,雷吉纳德·菲森登(Reginald Fessenden)在美国麻萨诸塞州采用外差法实现了历史上首次无线电广播。菲森登广播了他自己用小提琴演奏“平安夜”和朗诵《圣经》片段。位于英格兰切尔姆斯福德的马可尼研究中心在1922年开播世界上第一个定期播出的无线电广播娱乐节目。



1893年,尼科拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)在美国密苏里州圣路易斯首次公开展示了无线电通信。在为“费城富兰克林学院”以及全国电灯协会做的报告中,他描述并演示了无线电通信的基本原理。他所制作的仪器包含电子管发明之前无线电系统的所有基本要素。

古列尔莫·马可尼(Guglielmo Marconi)拥有通常被认为是世界上第一个无线电技术的专利,英国专利12039号,“电脉冲及信号传输技术的改进以及所需设备”。


尼科拉·特斯拉1897年在美国获得了无线电技术的专利。然而,美国专利局于1904年将其专利权撤销,转而授予马可尼发明无线电的专利。这一举动可能是受到马可尼在美国的经济后盾人物,包括汤玛斯·爱迪生,安德鲁·卡耐基影响的结果。1909年,马可尼和卡尔·费迪南德·布劳恩(Karl Ferdinand Braun)由于“发明无线电报的贡献”获得诺贝尔物理学奖。










    * 声音广播的最早形式是航海无线电报。它采用开关控制连续波的发射与否,由此在接收机产生断续的声音信号,即摩尔斯电码
    * 调幅广播可以传播音乐和声音。调幅广播采用幅度调制技术,即话筒处接受的音量越大则电台发射的能量也越大。 这样的信号容易受到诸如闪电或其他干扰源的干扰。
    * 调频广播可以比调幅广播更高的保真度传播音乐和声音。对频率调制而言,话筒处接受的音量越大对应发射信号的频率越高。调频广播工作于甚高频段(Very High Frequency,VHF)。频段越高,其所拥有的频率带宽也越大,因而可以容纳更多的电台。同时,波长越短的无线电波的传播也越接近于光波直线传播的特性。
    * 调频广播的边带可以用来传播数字信号如,电台标识、节目名称简介、网址、股市信息等。在有些国家,当被移动至一个新的地区后,调频收音机可以自动根据边带信息自动寻找原来的频道。
    * 航海和航空中使用的话音电台应用VHF调幅技术。这使得飞机和船舶上可以使用轻型天线。
    * 政府、消防、警察和商业使用的电台通常在专用频段上应用窄带调频技术。这些应用通常使用5KHz的带宽。相对于调频广播或电视伴音的16KHz带宽,保真度上不得不作出牺牲。
    * 民用或军用高频话音服务使用短波用于船舶,飞机或孤立地点间的通讯。大多数情况下,都使用单边带技术,这样相对于调幅技术可以节省一半的频带,并更有效地利用发射功率。
    * 陆地中继无线电(Terrestial Trunked Radio, TETRA)是一种为军队、警察、急救等特殊部门设计的数字集群电话系统。



    * 蜂窝电话或移动电话是当前最普遍应用的无线通信方式。蜂窝电话覆盖区通常分为多个小区。每个小区由一个基站发射机覆盖。理论上,小区的形状为蜂窝状六边形,这也是蜂窝电话名称的来源。当前广泛使用的移动电话系统标准包括:GSM,CDMA和TDMA。运营商已经开始提供下一代的3G移动通信服务,其主导标准为UMTS和CDMA2000。
    * 卫星电话存在两种形式:INMARSAT 和 铱星系统。两种系统都提供全球覆盖服务。 INMARSAT使用地球同步卫星,需要定向的高增益天线。铱星则是低轨道卫星系统,直接使用手机天线




    * 通常的模拟电视信号采用将图像调幅,伴音调频并合成在同一信号中传播。
    * 数字电视采用MPEG-2图像压缩技术,由此大约仅需模拟电视信号一半的带宽。


    * 无线电紧急定位信标 (emergency position indicating radio beacons,EPIRBs), 紧急定位发射机或 个人定位信标是用来在紧急情况下对人员或测量通过卫星进行定位的小型无线电发射机。它的作用是提供给救援人员目标的精确位置,以便提供及时的救援。



    * 数字微波传输设备、卫星等通常采用正交幅度调制(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation,QAM)。QAM调制方式同时利用信号的幅度和相位加载信息。这样,可以在同样的带宽上传递更大的数据量。
    * IEEE 802.11是当前无线局域网(Wireless Local Area Network,WLAN)的标准。它采用2GHz或5GHz频段,数据传输速率为11 Mbps或54 Mbps。
    * 蓝牙(Blueteeth)是一种短距离无线通讯的技术。


    * 利用主动及被动无线电装置可以辨识以及表明物体身份。(参见射频识别)


    * 业余无线电是无线电爱好者参与的无线电台通讯。业余无线电台可以使用整个频谱上很多开放的频带。爱好者使用不同形式的编码方式和技术。有些后来商用的技术,比如调频,单边带调幅,数字分组无线电和卫星信号转发器,都是由业余爱好者首先应用的。


    * 所有的卫星导航系统都使用装备了精确时钟的卫星。导航卫星播发其位置和定时信息。接收机同时接受多颗导航卫星的信号。接收机通过测量电波的传播时间得出它到各个卫星的距离,然后计算得出其精确位置。
    * Loran系统也使用无线电波的传播时间进行定位,不过其发射台都位于陆地上。
    * VOR系统通常用于飞行定位。它使用两台发射机,一台指向性发射机始终发射并象灯塔的射灯一样按照固定的速率旋转。当指向型发射机朝向北方时,另一全向发射机会发射脉冲。飞机可以接收两个VOR台的信号,从而通过推算两个波束的交点确定其位置。
    * 无线电定向是无线电导航的最早形式。无线电定向使用可移动的环形天线来寻找电台的方向。


    * 雷达通过测量反射无线电波的延迟来推算目标的距离。并通过反射波的极化和频率感应目标的表面类型。
    * 导航雷达使用超短波扫描目标区域。一般扫描频率为每分钟两到四次,通过反射波确定地形。这种技术通常应用在商船和长距离商用飞机上。
    * 多用途雷达通常使用导航雷达的频段。不过,其所发射的脉冲经过调制和极化以便确定反射体的表面类型。优亮的多用途雷达可以辨别暴雨、陆地、车辆等等。
    * 搜索雷达运用短波脉冲扫描目标区域,通常每分钟2-4次。有些搜索雷达应用多普勒效应可以将移动物体同背景中区分开来
    * 寻的雷达采用于搜索雷达类似的原理,不过对较小的区域进行快速反复扫描,通常可达每秒钟几次。
    * 气象雷达与搜索雷达类似,但使用圆极化波以及水滴易于反射的波长。风廓线雷达利用多普勒效应测量风速,多普勒雷达利用多普勒效应检测灾害性天气。


    * 微波炉利用高功率的微波对食物加热。(注:一种通常的误解认为微波炉使用的频率为水分子的共振频率。而实际上使用的频率大概是水分子共振频率的十分之一。)


    * 无线电波可以产生微弱的静电力和磁力。在微重力条件下,这可以被用来固定物体的位置。
    * 宇航动力: 有方案提出可以使用高强度微波辐射产生的压力作为星际探测器的动力。


    * 是通过射电天文望远镜接收到的宇宙天体发射的无线电波信号可以研究天体的物理、化学性质。这门学科叫射电天文学。



长波:波长>1000,    频率M3000KHz-30 KHz
中波: 波长100M-1000M, 频率300 KHz- 3000 KHz
短波: 波长100M-10M,  频率3MHz~30MHz
超短波:波长1M-10M,    频率30MHz -300MHz, 亦称甚高频(VHF)波、米波
微波: 波长1M-1MM,      频率300MHz-300KMHz,

发表于 2008-5-26 12:06:29 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-26 20:41:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-26 23:14:19 | 显示全部楼层
严重支持! 许多挎友们的车都不错通讯装备就差多拉,希望挎友们的通讯装备越来越好.:victory:
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-21 21:02:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-9-22 14:53:24 | 显示全部楼层
A Winter Wedding Theme
Although June is often considered "the month for nuptials" flower girl dresses, a winter wedding can be an even more spectacular event with many great color tones.a wedding entails purchase of jewelry for the bride and for several other female members of the family. You might even be able to enlist the help of some elves if you can catch them in a good "elf" mood before they are committed to help the Big Guy in Red prepare for his busiest night of the year.a biography is for a book, 1 or 2 memories are for a wedding.- write a poemyou can say that poems are for sissies but that relies upon every person standpoint. But even if you can't find any cooperative short little creatures detachable wedding dresses, friends, family bridal dresses, a lighting team, a designer and an effective wedding planner can make your winter wonderland wedding a splendid and memorable occasion.a multitude of locations give you a wedding suite where the bride can get ready before the wedding and reception.Your first decision (after you decide to marry wedding dresses 2011, of course) will be the location of your winter wedding.a large colored crystal brooch on a vintage style dress or multi colored stone bracelet can add just the right hint of color without overpowering your whole look. Look for an inn with a fireplace for an intimate wedding dinner.a royal wedding with protocol requirements to be considered as well, must have presented the organisers with a number of logistical headaches. For larger affairs autumn wedding dresses, try to find an historic mansion or private club, which will still render an aura of warmth to the occasion.a ball gown wedding dress, which consists of a tight fitted bodice with a full skirt, is flattering to almost any body type. Unless you marry in a state that can practically "guarantee" that snow will be on the ground, avoid a room with a large picture window.a classic wedding bloom, roses are so versatile and can be used as corsages for the bridal party or buttonholes for the gents.No one can deny that there is a bit of magic involved, albeit of the chillier variety.a wedding is expensive for guests as well, with new clothes, presents and babysitters to organize. Drapes of fabric can do magic when cast against walls and ceilings and today classic rich tones like burgundy, royal blue, purple and hunter green, have dared to confront the traditional bridesmaid dress, icier winter shades of white, silver and icy blue.a lot of times the hair dresser will show up at the suite and the bride can just relax with her bridesmaids and possibly sip some champagne. The appeal of these deep colors against the background of crisp white makes for a beautiful, unexpected and understated contrast of tones.a little research would tell you what they like and what they don't and you may end up elating them.your wedding can become an outstanding affair - all you need do is plan a little in advance. Consider draping the walls and tables of the winter wedding reception room with tulle or organza and twinkle lights.a few of the most well-known designers that provide plus size mother of the bride dresses and gowns consist of darius cordell puffy wedding dresses, karen miller alfred angelo bridesmaid dresses, ursula quinceanera dresses, and leicester's moira's reflections. It may cost a bit more than you would be happy with (about $2 casual beach wedding dresses,000), but the transformation from room to wonderland is sure to be positively breathtaking.a sehra consists of flowers, rupees or some other thing that covers groom's face and is a part of indian weddings.Still casual wedding dresses, any wonderland worth its salt needs a bit more in the sparkle department and some ideas for that might include wedding decorations from your magical wedding toolbox such as:    * feather boas    * clear beaded garlands    * silver bells    * luxurious satin ribbons and rose petalsTrees and centerpieces greatly enhance the mood and atmosphere of a winter wedding.a great photographer will make your photos look more beautiful than your memories, and they will use the photos to tell the unique story of your wedding day.one place where you can save some money is videography. Tree-lined corridors along the length of the room with an aisle adorned by rose petal "snow" might not elicit fantasies of the Champs-Elyses best wedding dresses, but they will greatly impact the winter wedding setting if you consider sparkling the trees with twinkle-light strands and veiling them in swaths of tulle.a watch makes a wonderful and useful gift which will remind them of you every time they look at it!many brides choose to gift their bridesmaids their dresses or accessories instead of giving them something extra on the day. You can do the tables the same way with four-foot topiaries from local craft stores.a bridesmaid is more often a sister, family member or a close friend of the bride, and she is present to support the bride with arrangements of the wedding.If you are more into simple but lovely floral decorations for your winter wedding, consider either white-potted poinsettias or possibly crisp white carnations.a wedding locale charges you, the renter bolero wedding dresses, a room rental charge. Fragrant and showy, these floral wreaths can be a smashing addition to winter wedding decor.a sheath dress form-fits from head to toe, while the mermaid dress fits tightly through the bodice black cocktail dresses, hips, and legs, with a flare at the base.Your winter wedding can be a spectacular affair to remember, and one that will always evoke warmth in the hearts of all those privileged to attend your very special winter wedding day!
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