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楼主: 雪人机车


发表于 2010-5-25 16:54:37 | 显示全部楼层
锡姆森 锡姆森经典摩托车
In 1854 the brothers Löb and Moses Simson bought one third of a steelhammer works in Suhl (Germany).在1854年的兄弟LOB和摩西锡姆森买了一施特尔汉默三分之一的工程德国)在苏尔(。 The production of carbon steel began and the firm Simson & Co. was founded in 1856.在钢铁生产的碳开始,该公司锡姆森&有限公司是1856年于2006年。 The factory produced guns and gunbarrels in the years following. In 1871 the first steam engine started its service and the enterprise established production of bicycles in 1896, which was followed by the start of automobile production in 1907.本厂生产的年枪和gunbarrels以下。在1871年第一台蒸汽发动机启动服务和企业建立了1896年生产的自行车,这是1907年之后,在开始生产汽车。 The racing car Simson Supra is famous.该赛车锡姆森超级有名。
Simson S 51Adolf Hitler's dictatorship forced the Jewish family Simson to flee the country in 1936.锡姆森S 51Adolf希特勒的独裁统治的犹太家庭锡姆森被迫逃离该国于1936年。 Under the framework of dispossession of Jewish industrialists a trustee took control of the firm, and so by merger with other factories the "Berlin Suhler Waffen- und Fahrzeugwerke" (BSW) was formed.根据工业框架犹太剥夺了公司的受托人控制和车辆制造等北达科他的武装党合并与其他工厂的“柏林Suhler”(BSW的)成立了。 In the same year the first motorbike came off the assembly lines whose name was BSW 98.在同年的第一脱落的摩托车组装生产线,其名字是BSW的98。 After the politically determined emigration of the Simson brothers the factory intensified weapons production and so from 1939 the company was called "Gustloff-Werke - Waffenwerk Suhl".该公司1939年后移民的政治决心锡姆森兄弟从武器工厂加紧生产等被称为“古斯特洛夫- Werke公司- Waffenwerk苏尔”。

The factory continued to build bicycles, weapons and cars until 1945. Then, in 1946, by order of the Soviet military administration the manufacturing plant was partially dismantled and transported to the Soviet Republic (USSR).工厂继续自行车,武器和汽车,直到1945年才建成。然后,在1946年,由管理秩序,苏联军队的制造业工厂部分拆除并运到苏联共和国(苏联)。 This was as part of the reparation programme for the damage caused by Germany during the second war and in 1947 the factory was integrated into the Russian "SAG Awtowelo" (state stock company motorcycle).这家工厂是在1947年的一部分战争和方案的赔偿造成的损害德国在第二次被纳入俄罗斯“凹陷Awtowelo”(国有股公司摩托车)。

Simson DUO 4/1 tricycleLater, the USSR handed back control of the factory to the German Democratic Repuplic (GDR) and in 1952 it was renamed "VEB Fahrzeug- und Gerätewerk Simson Suhl".锡姆森铎4 / 1 tricycleLater,苏联归还工厂控制到德意志民主Repuplic(GDR)和1952年它更名为“VEB交通工具,北达科Gerätewerk锡姆森苏尔”。 Production of sporting guns, prams and bicycles slowly resumed, but the main focus was again on motorcycle manufacture.生产的运动枪,婴儿车和自行车慢慢恢复,但主要重点是再次制造摩托车。

Simson produced more than 300,000 motorcycles of the type AWO 425. This was a shaft driven, 250 cc four stroke motorcycle that enjoyed high reputation within the eastern bloc countries.锡姆森生产摩托车30多万安哥拉妇女组织的类型425。这是一轴驱动,250毫升四冲程摩托车的国家享有很高的声誉集团在东部。 There were two main models of AWO 425.安哥拉妇女组织425有两个主要模型。 The T (touring) had plunger rear suspension, while the S (sport) model had twin-shock swinging arm rear suspension.的T(旅游)的柱塞后悬挂系统,而S(运动)模式有双震后悬挂摆臂。

Simson DUO tricycleSimson motorcycle manufacture ceased in the early 1960s when the GDR government decided that from then on all new private cars and motorcycles would be two-strokes.锡姆森铎tricycleSimson摩托车制造停止在20世纪60年代初,东德政府决定,从那时起,所有新私家车和电单车会两杆。 The GDR already had a two stroke motorcycle factory: the former MZ works at Zschopau.民主德国已经有二冲程摩托车厂:前锰锌乔保工程。 The Simson factory was therefore given a new task of building two stroke mopeds.因此,工厂的锡姆森给予中风轻便摩托车的新任务,建设2。 From the 1960s moped production grew steadily in Suhl; up to 200,000 mopeds per year came off the assembly lines.从20世纪60年代轻便摩托车生产稳步增长苏尔,高达20.0万年轻便摩托车每脱落的装配线。

Series manufacture of the scooter KR51 "Schwalbe", fitted with a 3.4 hp engine, began in 1964.系列KR51制造的摩托车“施瓦尔贝”,发动机装有一个3.4马力,始于1964年。 The year 1968 saw the merger of Simson and "VEB Ernst-Thälmann-Werk Suhl" to "VEB Fahrzeug- und Jagdwaffenwerk Ernst Thälmann Suhl". 1968年看到了锡姆森合并和“VEB恩斯特,台尔曼,韦尔克苏尔”到“VEB交通工具,恩斯特台尔曼苏尔北达科Jagdwaffenwerk”。 Subsequently, the Schwalbe helped the company to worldwide and fame in the GDR the scooter stood for the success of East German two-wheeler motor manufacturing.随后,施瓦尔贝帮助全球知名度在民主德国的公司生产的摩托车马达的成功站在东德两三轮车。

After the political changes in East Germany in 1989 a number of attempts to modernise the assembly lines failed. Several investors tried unsuccessfully to keep production going and to bring new developments on market.经过1989年的政治变革东德国1行数现代化的企图失败了大会。不成功的几个投资者试图将继续生产和市场带来新的发展。 Consequently, production finally ceased in autumn 2002 and on 1 February 2003 bankruptcy proceedings were held in the wake of which the remaining 90 employees were made redundant without any form of compensation.因此,最终停止生产在2002年秋季和2003年2月1日就举行了破产程序后,其中的赔偿,其余90名员工,均没有任何形式的裁员。
发表于 2010-5-25 16:55:10 | 显示全部楼层
1974年锡姆森施瓦尔贝,50cc的 1976年锡姆森Schalbe KR51/1K独立财务顾问滑板车
发表于 2010-5-27 12:49:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-5-29 01:53:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-5-29 10:41:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-5-30 07:47:54 | 显示全部楼层
还预支了40元工资。 早上5点起床,走了12里的山路,
旁边的小弟弟叫住了我。 “你想干什么呢?”
发表于 2010-6-3 14:15:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-11-6 23:01:21 | 显示全部楼层
嘿嘿 那找的啊  估计是老爷子的车车
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