ZJT520 发表于 2009-10-24 19:53:14


Well, keep in mind that Chinese people don’t know what bears are so once they make land fall and push past the beaches then they will go into the forests of Washington Oregon and California and be like “???” And the bears will take a heavy toll of their infantry. Of course that means they can attack through the harsh deserts of New Mexico where our Arapaho Native American Brothers will make or break the war. Whichever side the Arapaho join will win because they are desert people and they know the land just like the south in the civil war. Anyway, if we made it to China I think we could probably just get most of them to join us because I heard they like McDonalds and America there so just pass out ee things to get them to join our army and make a new army out of them. It’s a force multiplier.

China would kung-fu kick the U.S. in the balls.Too bad they have small penises.

Doesn’t matter, once that war would start many countries would severe trade connections weakening both countries but since China is the only country in the world with a self sustaining economy, they’d hardly be affected.


Self sustaining economy my ass. Theres a resaon Japan and China have had tensions recently. Its becuase they are figthting over who will get Russias oil. They most definately dont have enough oil there to be self sufficent.Read, China imports oil. Actually, they are the big reason prices are jumping so d**n much

If there was going to be a war between us it would be because of this. And I highly doubt it would take place in either China or the Americas. It would happen in the middle east. China needs oil. They absolutely need it to continue tohave any chance of being a strong power in the world. Russia is one option. The middle east, may be the way they go and we would protect our intrests. And all of a sudden we have a war on our hands.

And whats more a war right where the chinese would be in a good position to have one. Of course they would never invade The United States of America…. unless they had a great plan. But the middle east is another thing entirely. In a place where land is really the only thing to fight on. China would win. Well we could just use hydrogen cells. Anyway, the thing about the chinese is that they’re group oriented so all you have to do is sit a machine gun in ont of their military base and shoot them all when they run out. I saw it in a WWII movie. That’s why we won WWII so easy.Anyway, The thing about the chinese is that most of them have never heard of a plane or a loud siren so all we have to do is chopper in some sirens, call in an air strike, scare them all off and send in the troops. While they’re shocked we will clean up their army and make the civilians join our army.

You are underestimating nationalism。

Well, they do have the power of culture and nationalism but then again if we napalm their rice then they will starve. Also we could easily defeat the chinese people in hand to hand combat because that karate stuff is no match for a good American Boxer. One clean punch and the chinese is gone.I think we should basically just use machine guns because there are so many people there. All we have to do is equip a few fast hum vees with hydrogen cells and machine guns with wooden bullets so we only injure them and then make the injured guys be in our army to even up the odds.Also asian girls love white guys so we could get half of their population on our side and make more troops that way.
当然他们有很强的文化和民族主义精神,但还是那样,如果我们能炸了他们的稻田那他们就会挨饿,而且我们可以在短兵相接的战斗中不费吹灰之力就能取胜,中国空手道根本不是美国拳击的对手,干净漂亮的一拳就能把中国人打飞。我想我们还是用机枪,因为中国人实在太多了。我们只需要几部用氢燃料的高速吉普和机枪,机枪用木制子弹,那样我们就可以只打伤他们,然后让受伤的敌人加入我方,来弥补我方和敌方的人数差距。而且亚洲女孩喜欢白人小伙子,所以我们能够争取到中国人口的一半,然后通过她们制造更多我们的军队。 now you just switched to stupidity because you ran out of arguments… none of that would work. We wouldn’t starve out civilians anyway… we are to nice

If you are joking then this post was rather funny.If not, then I pity your life.

水煮驴 发表于 2009-10-24 20:25:11

:victory: :victory:

小托 发表于 2009-10-24 21:11:19

:@ :@ :@ :@ :@

战后跨哥 发表于 2009-10-24 21:29:46

:L ;P :L ;P :L ;P

和尚爱猴子 发表于 2009-10-24 22:35:39


ZJT520 发表于 2009-10-24 22:48:41

原帖由 和尚爱猴子 于 2009-10-24 22:35 发表 http://www.cj750lm.com/images/common/back.gif

我叫小丁 发表于 2009-10-25 12:13:25

原帖由 ZJT520 于 2009-10-24 22:48 发表 http://www.cj750lm.com/images/common/back.gif

和尚啊,就俩老外,不要求知识全面,可以看出从中如何看待中国主要矛盾的方向,一笑而过:lol :victory: :victory:

dp 发表于 2009-10-25 13:48:43

:victory: :victory:

飞尨 发表于 2009-10-25 19:55:16

:time: :time: :time: :time:

张刘喜 发表于 2009-10-26 19:37:15

:L :@ :@ :@
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