ZJT520 发表于 2009-10-24 19:51:30


Technology may mean a lot. But they have enough nukes to take us out. For that
reason we can do shit on the playing field. In a world full of technology it doesn’t take that much to catch up. They can have all the technology they want thanks to the internet. Besides. China has a sort of black curtain. The west probably doesn’t fully understand what they have. They do have machine guns…and that is enough. With proper motivation it wouldn’t take much to arm there large force sufficiently to take us out. Granted they may lose more people. But we would eventually lose, just because we were overwelmed.

subs comparable to American subs in the 70’s, crappier planes, helicopters, long range bombers, everything. There is no way in hell China would ever catch up to the US military technology wise within the next half century at the least

China= Sleeping Giant… With their massive population and there unbelievably fast growing economy, It’s only a matter of time they become the most powerful nation… Oh how much would the American government hate that…

Okay. Why would China fight the US?? They’re allies! Idiot.

As long as the chinese could move their troops they would win. Transport is their only issue and easily solved with the numbers they have.

all though I agree that racism doesn’t belong in this topic and that many of the posters don’t know what they are talking about.The main point of this is that a War with china should be avoided to the greatest extent possible

for the moment the USA is the king of the world but it will change and China will become the boss of the world . But China is creating a new system dictatorship linked with capitalism that’s a dangerous mix but it works !Oh democracy ….

水煮驴 发表于 2009-10-24 20:30:22

:victory: :victory:

dp 发表于 2009-10-25 13:47:13

:victory: :victory:

老村长 发表于 2009-10-25 18:40:42

:victory: :victory: :victory:

泥巴 发表于 2009-11-8 21:12:10

为了可以多发照片,为了升级,今天多回复.得罪了啊;P ;P ;P

泥巴 发表于 2009-11-8 21:13:11

为了可以多发照片,为了升级,今天多回复.得罪了啊;P ;P ;P
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