商丘胖子 发表于 2009-1-25 11:24:13



搅泥 发表于 2009-1-25 14:06:07



中国人民银行 发表于 2009-7-3 14:51:04

中国人民银行 发表于 2009-7-3 14:54:32

东哥qq 发表于 2011-7-11 09:16:52


yuinuoi5 发表于 2011-10-13 22:44:25

Chinese, Western, wedding no matter what Walking the red carpet, sitting sedan, also married tods purse, cost can be much worse? The title of horror of the net posts forget such an account: Americans get married, hire a wedding car $ 1,000; pre-paid one month's rent $ 4,000; furniture $ 3000; wedding ring $ 1,000; honeymoon one week $ 4,000; a car down payment $ 3000. A total of $ 16,000. Look at Beijing, just after finishing the wedding of Mr. Liu gave us such a bill out.
Liu: marriage room 2.2 million, ring 30000, wedding photography 5000, a dress was 9000, 20,000 wedding dress, a pair of shoes in 2000, a pair of red shoes more than 300 dollars cheaper, MC 3500, preparations for the wedding planning to build is a mess plus a 20,000, 80,000 meals.
Chinese men really sad reminders, reminders of grief is Wife's mother's rigid requirements, the cost to spend a million, add in the cost of marriage Epi Leather, can not figure out Permanent Mission of the U.S. financial commentators Chen Yijia New York, Reuters said, American men have wife's mother, but she's the wife's mother, see this thing short.
Chen Yijia: generally married in the U.S., the views of the family relatively less valued, more in terms of their own kind of celebration. Account for the relatively small family, no house is basically married in the U.S. pressure. If the big cities, then, like New York, we rent a very widespread phenomenon.
Chinese men really sad reminders, sad reminder of the two is to Not only was Guanfan man, had pipe costumes. Lived in the U.S., reading numerous wedding, Ms. Fan. Of the American
Ms. Fan: on the contrary, the American tradition is the woman to pay. But this thing by now, is more what one has. The entire wedding cost more than the woman out of home, almost all the woman in the bear, many also can not pay, we have to discuss. An example is concerned, I have a friend is like marriage, two young men rented an apartment because they can not afford a house. Unlike the Chinese spyder hoody, the Americans will have some savings, they really are spending a very powerful, very little savings, certainly can not afford a house. But will happily rent a house, perhaps the man's parents to send a set of furniture, for example, a good sofa buy herve leger, will not be many. Their wedding is simpler here than we are, independently meal according to the head count costs. That depends on you financially high and low end of the wedding day often travel at night they go, both parents will not pressure is particularly great.
on the so-called marriage room, the difference between China and the U.S. there is no marriage room is an American concept, last year's data show that Americans since the average age of buyers is 36, 37 years old. They are not to get married and buy a house buy mbt, usually for the children before buying. Most young people get married are the United States to rent, a fee which save a lot, do not say you do not have a house not to marry.
Anyway, the wedding this is a
Chen Yijia: there are big costs are small, generally between 50,000 to 100,000, the cost is quite high.
we envy the Americans open-minded family relationships, they can not get rid of the traditional concept of depth of bone marrow; we pay attention to careful planning to have a good easy life, but the two had a partnership, the first lesson - the wedding, but also a Mabu Kai's face. From China to the United States, marriage is no right or wrong way; supreme happiness of Americans, however, your heart is, perhaps a cup of Chinese men, most in need of a lesson. Topics related articles:

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